As Deanna mentioned, I've been keeping my stamps in clear pencil pouches that I got on sale last year at back-to-school time. They've held up well and I'm happy with them. However, I've been keeping them in a tool box and that's been ok, but it's hard to carry for very far because there's no shoulder strap and I'm constantly on the move with my paper stuff. So, I pulled a dusty rolly-briefcase from the top of my closet and moved in. Now I can pick the thing up of roll it around!
The next problem to be solved was having to flip through all the pouches to find the one with the stamps I'm looking for. For example, let's say I'm trying to make some Christmas cards. I know all the Christmas related stamps are in the Christmas pouch, but I have to pull out every pouch until I run across the Christmas one! So, I pulled out my trusty P-touch Label Maker and labeled them all- even the pouches with felt and ribbon! There's just nothing I love more than neat and tidy labels!!!!

Now if I could just figure out how to make my paper lighter. I weighed it today, and my paper bag is 31 pounds (and that doesn't include the new pack of 300 sheets of paper I bought on clearance this week!!!) Suggestions anyone?